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  • 小学英语口语话题练习:Mid-Autumn Day Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Tim和Bruce在讨论怎么度过中秋节,我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Tim: It will be the Mid-Autumn Day t
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:How was your weekend? Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Bruce和Linda正在讨论周末的趣事,我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Bruce: Hello, Linda.(你好,
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:Let s go have a picnic Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:今天天气不错,Judy和Sara打算去野餐。我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Judy: The weather is goo
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:We are a happy family Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Ashley和Sara课间在走廊相遇聊天。我们快来听一下他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Ashley: We learn a beautiful
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:May the best win Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Steve和Lance都要参加运动会项目,他们在检录途中相遇了。我们快来看看他们在讨论些什么吧。 Steve: Hi, Lance.
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:How wonderful! Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话。今天的主人公是Blair 和Tim. 他们正在讨论即将到来的校园艺术节。我们快来听听他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Blair: I
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:What are you doing? Hello, everyone.今天我们分享一段发生在学校操场上的情景对话,主人公是Mia和Bruce,他们正走在校园里,他们要去哪里呢。我们快来听一下他们的对话内容吧。 Mia: He
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:We are on duty today Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段发生在教室里的情景对话,主人公是Sara和Tim,他们正在打扫教室。我们快来看一下他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Tim: Hi,
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:Class is over Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段发生在放学前的情景对话,主人公是Ms Wong和学生们. Ms Wong: Class is over. Now, open your notebook.(下课了。现在请打开
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:surprise! Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段同学为老师准备教师节惊喜礼物的情景对话,主人公是Tim和Mia. 我们快来看一下他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Tim: Hey, Mia. Did you
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:What are you playing with? Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段发生在体育课上的情景对话,主人公是Lance和Steve. Lance: Hi, Steve. What are you playing with? (嗨,史蒂
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:What lesson did you just have? Hello, everyone. 今天开始,今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Ashley和Sara课间在走廊相遇聊天。我们快来听一下他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Ashley:H
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:The animals in the sea Hello, everyone. 又到我们的学习时间啦,今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Mia和Sara在课堂上讨论一个问题,各抒己见。我们快来看看他们是的对话是如何展开的
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:How are you this morning? Hello, everyone. 今天我们的主人公:Blair和Lance,他们在上学路上相遇了,打招呼。我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Blair: Morning, Lance! Lance
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:I will meet you there Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Linda和Blair要去游泳馆游泳,我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Linda: Hi, Blair. What are you g
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:Back to school Hello, everyone.天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话: 经过一个假期的休整,明天就要开学了,Blair在整理书包。她的妈妈在帮助她。我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。
  • 小学英语口语话题练习:I love my family Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话: Lance去Tim家做客,观看架子上摆放的家庭照片。 我们快来听听他们的对话是如何展开的吧。 Lance: Look, this is
  • 少儿英语故事汇:I m Taking a Bus I can t eat lunch here. 我不能在这里吃午餐。 Where are you going? 你要去哪里? I m going to my cousin s house. 我要去我表哥家。 How are you going there? 你怎么去那
  • 少儿英语故事汇:Where Were You Yesterday Alex, where were you yesterday? 亚历克斯,你昨天在哪里? I was at the playground. 我在操常 Where were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪儿? I was at the park. 我在
  • 少儿英语故事汇:We Ate Noodles Maxie! Taco! Where were you yesterday? 马克西!塔可!你们昨天在哪儿? Yesterday we were at the park. 我们昨天在公园里。 What did you do? 你们做了什么? We ate lunch
  • 少儿英语故事汇:There Is No Magic Marker I don t see the woman or man. 我没有看到那个男人或女人。 I think they are gone. 我觉得他们已经走了。 Where are we going now, Maxie? 我们现在去哪里,马克西?
  • 少儿英语故事汇:The New Neighbor We don t have to worry about anything! 我们没有什么可担心的! Everything is great! 一切都很好! No witch, no reporter, no photographer 没有女巫,记者,摄影师...
  • 少儿英语故事汇:My naughty brother Donny is my little brother. He is a naughty boy. 东尼是我的小弟弟,他是个调皮的孩子。 On Sunday morning Donny went into the yard and played with a dog. Sometimes a
  • 少儿英语故事汇:巨人杰弗瑞 Jeffery the Giant had many friends.Everyone liked Jeffery because he was so kind. 杰弗瑞有许多朋友。每一个都喜欢杰弗斯,因为他是如此的友善。 He likes to help his friends.
  • 少儿英语故事汇:a wolf and his shadow When it was getting dark a wolf was walking along the road. 太阳渐渐落下,狼独自走在马路上。 Then he was startled to see his huge shadow under his feet. 它惊奇地
  • 少儿英语故事汇:牛的缰绳 A young girl lived in Ulsan, South Kyong-sang province. 南韩庆尚省南部的蔚山, She was very pretty but shs used rough language. 有一个漂亮的女孩。 Hey I m hungry, give me
  • 少儿英语故事汇:IT S NOT EASY BEING A KID! Hi!I m a Peter.I m in the second grade. 嗨!我是彼得。我二年级了。 I have one thing to say:IT S NOT EASY BEING A KID! 我有一件事情要说:作为一个孩子是不
  • 少儿英语故事汇:A snowman Three little balls. 三个球。 Roll, roll, roll. 滚,滚,滚。 Big, bigger, biggest! 大,更大,最大! Stack them up! 把它们堆起来! Two eyes and a nose. 两只眼睛和一个鼻
  • 少儿英语故事汇:The goblin Once upon a time there lived a fisherman. 从前在那儿住着一个渔夫, 勤劳的渔夫每天去打鱼。 The diligent fisherman went fishing everyday. 今天我会打捞上什么呢? What have
  • 少儿英语故事汇:Go to the supermarket Today, my mother and I went to the supermarket. I saw a lot of items and food. I saw some of the delicious, like in the past, but my mother to buy eggs, I do
  • 少儿英语故事汇:animals There are many kinds of animals in the world. People don t know the exact numbers. 世界上有许多钟动物,人们不知道它们确切的数目。 In the zoo, people can see many kinds of ani
  • 少儿英语故事汇:Where is the egg? Teacher:Can you make a sentence with the word egg ? 老师:你能用 鸡蛋 一词造句吗? Student:Yes.I ate a piece of cake yesterday. 学生:可以。我昨天吃了一块蛋糕。
  • 少儿英语故事汇:The hart in the ox-stall A hart was being pursued by some dogs. It ran into an ox-stall, and hid itself in a truss of hay. Only the tips of its horns could be seen. Soon after the hu
  • 少儿英语故事汇:autumn After the Mid Autumn Festival, a beautiful little rendering autumn apart. It has experienced the spring booming, see the summer bloom, it is like a philosopher with a smile
  • 少儿英语故事汇:I like I like spring flowers. The grass out the little head, the flower bud are scrambling to open, the trees put on new clothes, a pale green to the eye, butterfly dancing in the
  • 少儿英语故事汇:My Neighborhood I m living in a noisy neighborhood. But I like it, because my parents often walk in it after meal and our school is also not too far from my house. Our school is on S
